Before formal religion there was magic, and to this day there are people who purport to perform 'miracles' with the aid of magical powers derived from nature or the spirit realm. These powers are still out there to be tapped into by us. All you need is the knowledge and know-how contained in Natural Magic.
The book reveals:
• How to become a natural magician, using knowledge gathered over thousands of years by magicians and mystic alike.
• Techniques employing plants, trees, crystals and incense along with meditation, ritual, chanting and dreams.
• The tools to give expression to your creativity and beliefs.
• A wide range of methods to bring about positive changes in your life.
Natural Magic will set you on the path to self discovery.
Pamela J Ball is an author and career development counsellor who helps clients, on an individual and corporate basis, to progress successfully in all aspects of their lives. Pam’s core interest is in healing on all levels and was sparked when she worked as a sick children’s nurse. This was also the time when she developed an interest in dreams and their significance, which would ultimately lead her towards her career as an extremely successful counsellor and dream interpreter. Most of Pam’s work – other than as an eminent author – over the last ten years has been as a business trainer and therapist in the USA, Switzerland and the UK. Pam has worked with companies in different fields throughout the business world to assist them in instigating management changes. She is also a well-known and particularly humorous after-dinner speaker. Pam is also a psychic, whose unparalleled powers in this field have enabled her to unearth some of the most amazing facts about past and present events, not accessible to most people, as demonstrated in her books.